50 year old male with abdominal pain

Long case

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box.

Cheif complaint 
50 year old male farmer by occupation came to opd with cheif complaint of abdominal pain since one month

History of present illness
Patient was apperantly asymptomatic 1 month back
When he developed pain in the abdomen in epigastric and right hypochondriac region which is squeezing in nature, non radiating type
The pain was increasing  after consumption of food,and pain lasts for about 20 to 30 mins and then relieves on its own and also associated with abdominal bloating
He also complaints of non ulcer dyspepsia since 5 years
No history of shortness of breath
no history of vomiting,regurgitation, 
No history of fever
No history of diarrhoea or constipation 
No history of loss of appetite 
No history of blood in stools

Past history

No similar complaints in the past
No history of hypertension, diabetes, cva,cad,asthma,tuberculosis, epilepsy 

Personal history 

Farmer by occupation 
Diet is mixed 
Bladder ,Bowel movements normal
Sleep adequate 
Addictions:chronic smoker since 20 years 
He smokes almost 10 cigarettes per day
Also chews betel nut and tobacco 4 to 5 times a day
Occasional alcoholic  since 30 years
No known  history of allergy

Family history

No relevant family history

General examination 
Patient was examined after taking consent
Patient is conscious, coherent, cooperative 
Well oriented to time ,place and person
Well built,well nourished
No signs of pallor,icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy, oedema

Temperature : afebrile
BP : 120/80 mm HG 
Pulse rate : 78 / min 
Resp.rate : 16 cpm
Grbs:103 mg/dl

Systemic examination 

Inspection:oral cavity  doesnt have any dental caries and there is presence of staining of teeth

Abdomen  is scaphoid shaped
Umbilicus is centrally placed
No swelling of abdomen is seen 
No scars are seen
No sinuses are seen
No engorged veins

Palpation  done in supine position 
No local rise in Temperature 
 tenderness of abdomen
No palpable organs
No hepatomegaly and splenomegaly 
No rigidity of abdomen
No palpable mass is present

No fluid thrill
No shifting dullness 
Tympanic note js heard

Bowel sounds are heard 

Cvs examination 
S1,s2 sounds are heard
No murmers

Conscious, coherent  cooperative 
Sensory and motor system normal
No neurological defects are seen 
Respiratory system 
Chest is bilaterally symmetical
Chest movements are equal on both sides on Respiration 
No wheezing 
No cough
No dyspnoea 
Normal vesicular breath sounds

11 /12/2022

Diagnosis  :solitary liver absess

Treatment :
 Tablet pan 40 mg po/od
Syrup: sucralfate10ml po/bd

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