65 year old male with focal seizures

65 year old male with involuntary movements and focal seizures 
Final exam short case 

This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs.This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment"

Date of admission:18/01/2023

Cheif complaint

A 65 year old male bought to causality with complaints fever and  involuntary movements of left upper and lower limbs since 4pm on 18/01/2023

History of present illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years back then he had episodes of seizures in between ,and  on 18/1/2023 then he developed fever epidode till 6pm ,which was relieved by medication 
history of 3 episodes of  seizures from 2 years
1st history on 11/07/2021
2nd history on 13/03/2022
3rd history on 18/04/2022
4th history on 18/01/2023
 History of hyperglycemia since 6 years 
History of hypertension since 3 years, 
History of CAD 

Then he developed involuntary movements of left upper and lower limbs and associated with unrolling of eyeballs and drooling of saliva 
Also complaints of tongue bite during seizure episodes
And also involuntary micturation in clothes
There is no regain of consciousness during episodes of seizures

History of past illness
 history of 3 episodes of  seizures from 2 years
No history of asthma,tuberculosis 
1st admission was found to be due to high GRBS 
Patient has a history of CVA on 14/7/2021
Patient was previously admitted in hospital 1 and half year back with bilateral upper and lower limbs weakness and muscle twitching
He also has history secondary to cva which resolved  after few months then he again got admitted in hospital with loss of speech and unresponsiveness

Personal history

Bowel movements:normal
Addictions: no Addictions 
No known case of allergy

Family history 

No relevent history of diabetes, seizures 
History of hypertension present 

General examination 

Patient is conscious, non coherent, non cooperative 
Not oriented to time,  place, 
Patient is Moderately built,Moderately nourished
There are no signs of pallor,icterus, cyanosis  clubbing ,lymphadenopathy, oedema

respiratory rate:20cycles/min
Pulse rate:120bpm
Blood pressure:- 140/100mmhg
GRBS:- 201mg%

Systemic examination:
 Cvs:s1,s2 are heared
No thrill, no bruit

Respiratory system:position of trachea is central
No dyspnoea 
No wheeze
Vesicular breath sounds are heard
Bilateral air entry is normal

Abdomen:non tender
No palpable spleen and liver


Patient is drowsy 
Not oriented to time,date,but oriented to person
Speech is slurred
Neck stiffness is present 
Motor system:
Bulk of the muscle:normal
Tone:right upper limb normal
   Right lower limb normal
Left upper limb decreased 
Lower left limb also decreased 


Upper limb 4/5left,5/5right
Lower limb 4/5 left,5/5 right

                    Right               Left  
Biceps          +                      +++
Triceps         +                      +++
supinator      +                      ++
Knee             +                       ++
Ankle             -                         ++
Plantor reflex-                       -
Cerebellar signs no finger nose coordination 
No knee heel coordination 

Examination of oral cavity: tongue bite is seen
Neck stiffness is seen

Provisional Diagnosis 
 Focal seizures with secondary generalisation 



No x ray abnormalities are seen

Focal seizures with secondary generalisation 
H/o diabetes mellitus since 6 years
,hypertension since 3 years

Iv monocef 1gm bd 
Tablet phenotoin 100mg RT once a day
B complex 1 ampule iv od
Tablet telma 40mg RT once a day
Sodium valproate 1000mg RT bd
Tablet ecospirin +atorvas 75/10 h/s once a day
Tablet dolo650 rt tid 
Injection kcl 2ampu iv od 
Ivf DNSand RL 100 ml

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